Saturday, 19 March 2011

QR – Cure – Quizzing Realms – 298

Happy Holi to all of you!

Here's an easy one.

X's father was beheaded at the behest of the king because he was asking for better governance. X received his higher education under Katyayan in Takshashila, and went on to become a great amoral political theorist and kingmaker, dethroning the royal who killed his father and replacing him with a person of his choice. Identify X.

Happy quizzing, and have a nice life, folks!

PS: Visit to watch LIVE the elephant festival in Jaipur from 4pm. It's streaming live, and it's FREE!


Sorry for answering this so late. 17 answers, and all correct! It is indeed Chanakya aka Vishnugupta aka Kautilya!


  1. Happy Holi Arkadev Da !!

    The Answer is Chanakya.

  2. Chanakya. The last nanda king was replaced by Chandgragupta Maurya. Gautam

  3. My favourite Chanakya! Sir, are you too plugged on 2 Imagine's Chandragupta Maurya?:P
    BTW how are you finding it?I m finding it good as of now....


Post your answers here. Wait for them to be moderated, which will take a day or two to be done.